Planned Giving
Your support will make a lasting, foundational impact on your community.
By including ViM in your long-term plans, you leave a legacy of health, empowerment, and sustainability for your neighbors and community. Read through the options below to find the best match for you and your family. Or contact our Director of Advancement and Public Affairs, Nelson Fernandez, at nfernandez@vimberkshires.org or 413.528.4014.
If you give in any of the following ways, please let us know so that we can appropriately thank you and credit your generosity!
Ways to Give
Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime, and, if your estate is subject to estate taxes, your gift to us should qualify for a charitable deduction and may reduce your estate tax. If you already have a will or trust, you can add a gift to VIM with a simple amendment. Your donation can be a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate.
Sample language to use in drafting your bequest:
I give to Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires, Inc., a Massachusetts not for profit organization located at 777 Main Street, Suite 4, Great Barrington, MA 01230, tax identification number 90-0140004, [specific $ amount] in cash OR [XX% of my residuary estate] OR [XX shares of XX stock] to be used for its unrestricted use and purpose.
Gifts by Will or Living Trust
Life Insurance Policy Beneficiary Designation
Retirement Plan Assets
This allows you to retain ownership of the policy and have access to the policy’s cash value, should you need it. Because you retain ownership, no charitable income-tax deduction is allowed at the time of your gift. However, your estate will be entitled to a charitable estate-tax deduction for a benefit paid to Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires.
Our Taxpayer ID is 90-014004 and our official name is Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires, Inc.
A gift to ViM Berkshires using your IRA and other qualified retirement plan assets can deliver meaningful tax advantages. For example, if you are 70½ years old or older, you can give any amount up to $100,000 per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as ours without having to pay income taxes on the money. Distributions to heirs from these assets to are usually subject to income and applicable estate taxes.
Gifts from these assets also count toward your required minimum distribution, making them completely tax-free. And it’s easy to do. Just call your IRA administrator to make the transfer.