Foundational Support
We are grateful to the many foundations and organizations helping us achieve our our mission.
Are you interested in making a gift from a foundation? Contact Nelson Fernandez, our Director of Advancement and Public Affairs, at nfernandez@vimberkshires.org or 413-528-4014.
Grants, Foundations, and Government Support
Center for Labor Education and Research
Josephine & Louise Crane Foundation
Perpetual Trust for Charitable Giving
Pittsfield Anti-Tuberculosis Association
Pittsfield Rotary Club Foundation
Town of Great Barrington
Town of Sheffield
Community Partners
As we work towards a more integrated medical and social services ecosystem, we are grateful for the partnership, knowledge, and resources of the following organizations.
18 Degrees
Berkshire Community Action Council
Berkshire Community College
Berkshire Hills Regional School District
Berkshire Housing Authority
Berkshire Immigrant Center
Berkshire South Community Center
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
The Brien Center
CMC Berkshires LLC
Community Health Programs
Direct Relief
Echo Street Foundation
Elder Services of Berkshire County
The Elizabeth Freeman Center
Fairview Hospital
Fallon Community Health Plan
Habitat for Humanity
Health New England
Healthy Steps
Highmark Health
Legal Aid Society
Literacy Network
Massachusetts Health Decisions
Monterey United Church of Christ
Mount Washington Church of Christ
Relief Fund for Immigrant Families
Southern Berkshire Regional Schools
Tapestry Health
Town of Great Barrington
Trinity Church
Working Cities