Become a Patient
Are you ineligible for health insurance?
VIM Berkshires provides free health care to adults who are ineligible for insurance and income-qualified. Call 413.528.4014 to determine eligibility and set up an appointment. Our receptionists and providers speak Spanish, Portuguese, French, and other languages.
We create a warm and welcoming environment for all of our patients. We offer all services under one roof, in the patient’s native language:
Women’s Health
Behavioral Health
Integrated Pain Management
Nutrition Counseling
Exercise Therapy
Chronic Disease Management
Transportation to Appointments
Individualized Health Care Plans
Help with Prescription Management
Coordination with larger health care organizations for other services
Our Services
We integrate social service assessments with all of our appointments and work with community partners to ensure our patients have access to:
Food Security
Job Training
Legal Aid
Social Service Assistance
If you are currently uninsured, ineligible for health insurance, and your income is at or below 300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines (about $35,000/year for one person or $70,000/year for a family of four) you may be eligible for VIM’s services. Call 413.528.4014 to determine eligibility and set up an appointment.
Additional Patient Resources
BASIC Berkshires
B-A-S-I-C stands for Berkshire Alliance to Support the Immigrant Community. BASIC was formed to support the Berkshire immigrant community. The website lists resources for health and safety, housing, clothing & household goods, food assistance, immigration & legal aid, employment, children & youth, financial assistance, English classes, transportation, banking, higher education, translation, and community.