ViM’s 20th Birthday Gala

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, we celebrated 20 years of working toward a society where everyone has an equal opportunity for a healthy life!

We honored two of our co-founders, Matt Mandel and Art Peisner, and remembered co-founder Paul Smilow along with the many volunteers upon whose shoulders we stand. Check out some beautiful photos of the evening below! Thank you to everyone who made this evening so spectacular.

Gala Committee

Patricia Hubbard, 20th Birthday Gala Producer

Ken DeLoreto & Ritch Holben 

Marita & David Glodt 

Liz Goodman & Don Cook 

Joan & Jim Hunter

Emily & Josh Irwin 

Tessa Kelly & Chris Parkinson 

Ellen Kennedy & Mark Gold 

Caitlin & Mitch Nash 

Mary & Seth Nash

Maria Nation & John Halbreich

Michelle & Perri Petricca

 Anu & Greg Poole 

Mary Pope & Will Osborne 

Fern Portnoy & Roger O. Goldman 

Darlene & Robert Rodowicz 

Emily Rechnitz & Neil Prince  

Irene Rosenzweig & Howard Jaffe 

Annie Selke & Jim Crane 

Turbi Smilow 

Gina & John Toole 

Julia Trumbull 

“ViM cares for thousands of neighbors who help our community thrive, and the stories you hear about their patients’ journeys are unbelievable. As restauranteurs, small-business owners, and parents, we know firsthand ViM’s value in the Berkshires.” 

—Josh and Emily Irwin, proprietors of JuJu’s, Home Love, MoonCloud, and formerly Cantina 229